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About Us


Peter, my husband & I moved to the Village of Sparkford, Somerset in 2020 and initially didn’t know much about the local area at all. However, this was about to change ….!


Having worked in the publishing world for the last 40 years or so, I decided to retire and enjoy a slice of playtime. However, I still felt the need to do something creative and  when I was distributing a flyer through the village about a race night that I had organised, I talked to a dear lady who informed me the village used to have a monthly magazine with all sorts of news and events but that it had not been produced for seven years.


This lit the spark and I had a word with a couple of people to see how I could produce a magazine free of charge and how it could be delivered!


Victoria Rogers, who organises the bookings for the Village Hall, was delighted to hear that we were thinking of launching a magazine and quickly organised a wonderful group of volunteers who agreed to deliver The Spark to every house in the village every other month.


We decided to ‘go the whole hog’ and publish an A5 glossy magazine which would be free of charge, supported by advertising. At the moment there are just under 400 houses, but the village is rapidly expanding and so we are printing 600 copies per issue to enable us to leave copies in the Queen Camel Shop, Galhampton Stores, Teals Farmshop and other local outlets.


Victoria Osborne, a graphic designer that I have worked with for many years, very kindly agreed to help me produce the magazine and have it professionally printed.


I was invited to go along to Nine Springs Radio in Yeovil to do an interview about The Spark and there is a link in this section of the website to explain a little bit more about this venture!


We are only able to publish The Spark Magazine due to the support of our advertisers and I would really like to thank everybody for jumping on board!


Thanks also to Laura Tarling of Watermill Media Ltd who has agreed to create and maintain this lovely website.

Click below to listen to our interview on Nine Springs Radio:

Interview with JackieArtist Name
00:00 / 05:23
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